Car accidents are everyone’s worst nightmare. No matter how small or serious the collision, they can be stressful and emotionally taxing.


In the haze of the moment, it’s easy to forget exactly what steps you should take. By ignoring certain steps or failing to gather certain information, you could make your car crash more serious and expensive in the long run.


While you can’t plan for everything in life, you can plan for when something goes wrong. Rather than leave your insurance claim to chance, follow these 6 important steps for what to do after a car accident. These will help you successfully navigate a car accident in Virginia.


Step 1: Make sure you and your passengers are safe

Make sure that yourself, your passengers, and the other drivers are not injured. If they or you are seriously injured, try not to move or strain yourself. Call 911 immediately and wait for medical help.


Step 2: Move to safety

If possible, try to move the vehicles involved in the crash off the road. Either move them to the side of the road out of traffic, or into a parking lot. If you can’t move the vehicles, at least get yourself to safety. Once out of harm’s way, be sure to turn the engine off.


Step 3: Call 911

As soon as you can, be sure to call 911 to dispatch police and medical attention. An ambulance can tend to the injured and help those in critical conditions. The police can write up an official accident report, which you can reference when filing a claim.


Step 4: Exchange Important Information

Once everyone is safe, the vehicles are out of harm’s way, and you’ve contacted 911, it’s time to exchange information. Make sure to gather this info from every party involved in the accident:

  • Full name and contact information (email, phone number, etc.)
  • Insurance company and policy number
  • Driver’s license and license plate number
  • Vehicle type, model and color
  • Location of accident (city, street, crossing, etc.)


Make sure not to discuss the accident while getting this information. You could unintentionally blame another driver for the accident, or admit fault. This could seriously hurt you when filing your insurance claim.


Step 5: Document the accident

Once you have everyone’s information, it’s time to document the accident. This step will help you build a case with your claim, creating a clearer picture of the accident for your insurance company.

You should include:

  • Police officer identity (name and badge number)
  • Copy of the accident report
  • Pictures of the accident (different angles of all vehicles, tire marks on the road, contact information)
  • Write down names and address of everyone involved
  • Talk to witnesses if possible and get their contact information

Step 6: File a claim

Once you’ve gathered all your info and the dust has settled, it’s time to file a claim with your insurance provider. It’s best to do this ASAP, that way you can show you’re doing your due diligence.


When filing a claim, be sure to speak truthfully and provide the information and photos you took at the accident. From there the insurance company will begin an investigation and provide you with a quote.


Local Richmond Auto Insurance

These 6 steps should help you in the unfortunate event of a car accident. While you can do everything correctly after a car accident, your insurance plan might not cover everything you need.


If you need a reliable and comprehensive auto insurance plan, contact Sanford Insurance. Located in Richmond, VA, we offer personal auto insurance throughout Virginia. Get a free quote and plan for the unexpected.

